The true fabric which has pieced the Chamber’s 100 years together is the common theme of a committed business community that has volunteered time, talents, and financial resources to make the organization effective.
The Winter 2012 issue of the Valparaiso Magazine had a cover picture with two Valpo business leaders: Len Ellis, founder of Valparaiso’s first Radio Station nearly 50 years ago and Jon Schmaltz, local attorney. Both men share the experience of being the Chair of the Chamber Board of Directors. The difference between their services as Chair is a time span of nearly fifty years apart.
Since it is my great privilege to know them both, I am struck by their same firm belief about the Chamber. Each is committed to the vision and values of the Valpo Chamber and believes in the organization’s importance as a catalyst to make this community a great place to live and operate a business.
Len Ellis believed that 50 years ago because I have read editorials he wrote for the radio station at that time. Jon Schmaltz believes that today because I have seen his actions and heard his comments at our board meetings this year.
Every volunteer leader between has had that same belief. How fortunate the Valpo Chamber has been to have men and women who have led the organization spanning 100 years share that common belief and commitment to the organization.
To all the volunteers, board members, and officers and employees of the Valpo Chamber during the last 100 years, I say thank you!
Rex G. Richards